AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Internet of Things

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Secure your organization’s Internet of Things devices using AWS IoT"

Secure your organization’s Internet of Things devices using AWS IoT

The public sector’s use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is steadily growing, as these organizations learn how to implement and derive value from IoT solutions. Public sector agencies and organizations deploy IoT devices in a variety of areas, such as transportation and infrastructure, crime prevention, education, and utilities and environment. In this post, we are going to use the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency ‘s (CISA) guidelines as a reference to improve the security of your IoT devices and learn how to address vulnerabilities using Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT services.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "How transit agencies can use AWS to improve safety and passenger experience"

How transit agencies can use AWS to improve safety and passenger experience

Fleet managers can use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to ingest and analyze fleet driver data. In this post, we share how a large public transit agency in the United States worked with AWS to create a proof-of-concept (POC) to analyze operator behavior and improve its visibility of sudden acceleration-based events.

Securing and automating compliance in the public sector with AWS

Compliance is essential, but ensuring compliance in the cloud with various regulations and standards can be challenging, especially for public sector organizations. The requirements are highly dynamic, constantly evolving, and they vary across countries. Read this blog post to learn about the Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources that can help customers meet compliance requirements, reduce their time and effort, and focus on core business objectives.

Building smart infrastructure: Using AWS services for digital twins

Building smart infrastructure: Using AWS services for digital twins

In this post, learn use cases for digital twins, plus how to create an open-source digital twin sample front-end application built with AWS Amplify, Amazon Cognito, and AWS IoT Core that you can use as a starting point for building efficient, scalable, and secure digital twin solutions.

Islands of innovation: Creating smart and sustainable European marinas and ports

Ports and marinas are important catalysts for economic growth, tourism, and employment. Increasingly, they are also hubs for renewable energy and the blue economy. Islands can serve as test beds for transforming ports and marinas. Learn how some European islands are using cloud technology to create innovative new solutions to manage their ports and marinas.

Creating real-time flood alerts with the cloud

The Latin America and Caribbean region is the second most disaster-prone region in the world behind Asia and the Pacific Rim, with floods being the most common disaster in the region. There have been extraordinary levels of flooding around the world—but in Panama, flooding has become particularly challenging. The AWS Disaster Preparedness and Response Team and AWS Partner Grupo TX saw an opportunity to leverage the cloud to better understand and prepare for flooding and ultimately save lives.

Using AWS IoT TwinMaker to build a spacecraft digital twin

Digital twin technology helps drive the digital transformation of the space sector by optimizing complex spacecraft design, engineering, and operation. Increasingly, customers turn to AWS IoT TwinMaker from AWS to more quickly and simply create simulations that provide live actionable insights and improve operational performance of real-life systems. Learn how you can use AWS to create digital twin simulations for complex spacecraft, demonstrated using the International Space Station (ISS) via publicly available telemetry from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Analyzing vehicle fleet location data from a data lake with AWS

At AWS, many public sector customers operate fleets of vehicles (e.g. emergency response, public transportation) that generate location data, which is ultimately stored in a data lake. These customers frequently ask how they can quickly visualize this data and extract insights that can help them optimize how they operate their vehicle fleets. In this post, learn how to use Amazon Athena and Amazon Location Service to perform ad hoc reverse geocoding on a notional dataset of vehicle location history, and visualize the results on an Amazon QuickSight map.

Smart Island: How the AWS Cloud is powering social, economic, and environmental improvements in Greece

AWS is leading a pilot project to turn the Greek island of Naxos in the Aegean Sea into a smart island. Designed in collaboration with 20 Greek and international companies, the Smart Island project was developed with the support of the Greek government, local authorities, and the US Embassy. The project will leverage advanced AWS Cloud technologies, and will introduce smart solutions for mobility, primary healthcare, and the transport of goods, such as vessel monitoring and reporting from a coastline tower, and the delivery of blood samples and medical supplies via drone.