AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Enterprise governance and control

AWS branded background image with text overlay that says "How AWS helps agencies meet OMB AI governance requirements"

How AWS helps agencies meet OMB AI governance requirements

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) commitment to safe, transparent, and responsible artificial intelligence (AI)—including generative AI—is reflected in our endorsement of the White House Voluntary AI Commitments, our participation in the UK AI Safety Summit, and our dedication to providing customers with features that address specific challenges in this space. In this post, we explore how AWS can help agencies address the governance requirements outlined in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memo M-2410 as public sector entities look to build internal capacity for AI.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "The benefits of running controlled substance databases with AWS"

The benefits of running controlled substance databases with AWS

Healthcare authorities and providers use state-run controlled substance databases (CSDs) to track prescriptions and identify patients for substance abuse. CSDs help evaluate treatment options, screen patients who may be at risk for drug abuse problems, and make informed decisions about prescribing medication. This post explains how healthcare authorities can leverage CSD data to enhance their decision-making processes within business operations by using Amazon Web Services (AWS).