AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: AWS Institute

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "The top 5 challenges of public service transformation"

The top 5 challenges of public service transformation

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Government Transformation team (GTT) has taken more than 5,000 senior public sector officials in 23 countries through its executive education program. Using participant feedback, GTT has identified five common digital transformation challenges that public sector leaders face and published a new series about the challenges. Read this blog to learn more.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "Swindon Borough Council makes vital public information more accessible using Amazon Bedrock"

Swindon Borough Council makes vital public information more accessible using Amazon Bedrock

There are 1.5 million people with a learning disability in the UK and globally, it is estimated that 15 percent of the population have some form of learning disability. Read this blog post to learn how Swindon Borough Council, a local authority in England, used Amazon Bedrock to create the Easy Read solution, which helps make vital public information more accessible and inclusive for its constituents.

The power of collaboration accelerates public sector transformation in Iceland

In this blog post from the AWS Institute, learn how Digital Iceland’s decision to work with partners to access knowledge and capabilities underpinned successful service transformation, enabling them to digitize 20 services in just over three years.

Creating composable applications for seamless government services

Creating composable applications for seamless government services

Successful digital transformation depends on being able to work across silos, which are a common feature of central and regional government agencies. Composability is a system design principle that describes how to create collaboration and interoperable processes to navigate silos. Composability is a useful tool for governments working to advance their digital transformation. In this blog post, learn some examples of composability in government services and best practices for creating composable services.

How one council used machine learning to cut translation costs by 99.96%

Swindon Borough Council serves a multicultural community of 230,000 citizens in the south of England. We continuously review emerging and evolving technologies, seeking to leverage them to reimagine and improve services, lower costs, and enhance efficiency. The success of a recent translation project that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud services is a prime example of this.

Creating a strategic approach to government continuity

Moving digital assets to the cloud is one of the first steps governments can take to secure their public services against large-scale disruptions. But according to our customers, this journey often brings challenges and roadblocks that are organizational rather than technical. Learn key takeaways from our engagements with public sector customers that can help you better prepare for this transformation.

How cities can use transport data to reduce pollution and increase safety

The AWS Institute invited Rikesh Shah, outgoing head of open innovation at Transport for London, to discuss how London’s transport authority uses data sharing principles to solve city-wide challenges like air quality and safety. Shah shares his experiences of working as head of open innovation at Transport for London (TfL), which adopted an innovative approach to working with private sector organizations to make journeys simper and faster, reducing both pollution and accident levels.

Announcing the winners of the inaugural Future of Government Awards: Celebrating digital transformation initiatives around the world

Today, the winners of the first Future of Government Awards were announced. The Future of Government Awards is a program recognizing the people and projects leading public sector digital transformation around the world. We received more than 150 nominations from 52 countries across three categories for this year’s awards. In this blog post, meet the winners and learn their stories.

How governments can transform services securely in the cloud

Public sector organizations around the world share a common concern: how can they make sure their digital transformation maintains data security? The question comes up often when I meet with government leaders around the world in my role as a government transformation digital advisor at AWS. During my time in the UK Government’s Digital Service (GDS), and now in my work with government leaders, I’ve learned important lessons about transforming services securely in the cloud. Read on for some key takeaways.