AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Security

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "AWS joins global thought leaders at 60th Munich Security Conference"

AWS joins global thought leaders at 60th Munich Security Conference

Amazon Web Services is proud to join senior decision-makers and thought leaders from around the world at the Munich Security Conference (MSC) from February 16-18. At MSC 2024, we’re restating our commitment to protecting the defense and national security of the US, its closest allies, and other like-minded countries around the world.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "Idaho Controller modernizes back-office operations using AWS"

Idaho Controller modernizes back-office operations using AWS

Idaho deputy controller Josh Whitworth, who leads the state’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) modernization efforts, believes in looking beyond what legacy applications were designed to do decades ago to see the solutions of tomorrow. That view has helped Whitworth and his team transform Idaho’s back-office infrastructure and related processes. Read this blog post to learn how Amazon Web Services (AWS) helped Idaho modernize its ERP.

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The top 5 challenges of public service transformation

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Government Transformation team (GTT) has taken more than 5,000 senior public sector officials in 23 countries through its executive education program. Using participant feedback, GTT has identified five common digital transformation challenges that public sector leaders face and published a new series about the challenges. Read this blog to learn more.

Securing and automating compliance in the public sector with AWS

Compliance is essential, but ensuring compliance in the cloud with various regulations and standards can be challenging, especially for public sector organizations. The requirements are highly dynamic, constantly evolving, and they vary across countries. Read this blog post to learn about the Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources that can help customers meet compliance requirements, reduce their time and effort, and focus on core business objectives.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "Supporting security assessors in the Canadian public sector with AWS and Deloitte"

Supporting security assessors in the Canadian public sector with AWS and Deloitte

In this blog post, learn how Amazon Web Services (AWS) helps Government of Canada (GC) customers move workloads into production in the AWS Canadian Regions. This requires putting their workloads through the Security Assessment & Authorization (SA&A) process and can pose headwinds for GC customers developing applications to support digital modernization efforts.

Whole-of-state cybersecurity: How to implement and build a sustainable program

Whole-of-state cybersecurity: How to implement and build a sustainable program

With new funding opportunities available, now is the time for state and local government agencies to act quickly and think strategically about their approach to building a resilient whole-of-state (WOS) cybersecurity strategy. Some trailblazing states have had measures of success in establishing a WOS footprint by thinking strategically about short and long-term outcomes to support secure digital transformations and protect constituent data and services. Learn some best practices that organizations can consider in their WOS cybersecurity approach.

AWS launches $20 million K12 cyber grant program, joins White House to address cybersecurity for K12 education

AWS joins the White House, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Education, and other leaders in government, industry, and the education community to improve the cybersecurity resilience of K12 education communities. As part of our support, AWS is bolstering our longstanding collaboration with K12 education communities, state departments of education, teaching and learning companies, and EdTechs through key commitments, including $20 million for a K12 Cyber Grant Program available to all K12 school districts and state departments of education.

two students walking away from camera through a campus common area

How Hartnell College recovered critical systems using AWS after a cyber attack

Cyber events are unfortunately becoming a common event in higher education. When Hartnell College experienced a cyber event in 2022, they used AWS while working with AWS Partner Ferrilli to recover and rebuild their systems. Based on the lessons learned from Hartnell College’s experience, higher education leaders can explore certain steps to better prevent and prepare against cyber events. secures education service for 11 million students with AWS secures education service for 11 million students with AWS is the first blended learning system in Indonesia that offers learning programs for all types of learners. Their mission is to engage Indonesian K12 school children to help them succeed in key competencies and future achievements by providing quality education services with a personalized and flexible curriculum. knew it was integral to secure their digital education services to earn the trust and confidence of the students, teachers, and families. built their education platform on AWS to achieve this important mission.

Whole-of-state cybersecurity: Three procurement considerations for the public sector

With a growing focus on cybersecurity and available grant funding, many states are planning to protect state agencies, cities, counties, and schools. At the state and federal levels, programs are funded to support these efforts. State and local government (SLG) agencies now have procurement questions to ask and decisions to make to maximize governance and security, simplify vendor management, and accelerate the overall process within a heavily regulated procurement environment. Learn three important considerations for public sector procurement of cybersecurity solutions, as well as best practices from AWS for leveraging these new cybersecurity programs.