AWS Public Sector Blog

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How K12 schools can transform: Announcing new generative AI maturity readiness assessment

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is helping K12 school leaders understand how to leverage generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the most practical and responsible ways. Together with the Council of the Great City Schools and the Consortium for School Networking, we created the K-12 Readiness Checklist and the newly released K12 Generative AI Maturity Readiness Assessment. Read this post to learn about these fundamental tools that can help guide school districts as they implement generative AI.

How nonprofits reimagine work using smart technology

Nonprofit leaders today have various technical products and solutions to consider. The addition of “smart technology” to your nonprofit’s technology conversations may seem intimidating or even unfamiliar to the human-centered work that your organization does. But smart technology can help make your nonprofit’s work more human – automating burdensome tasks for your teams and directing their creativity and bandwidth to what really matters: your mission. Learn how nonprofits can use AWS to develop smart tech to innovate for their communities.

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Taxes, governments, and great experiences using the cloud

Information technology and cloud services can be enablers for modernization of these business processes and tax systems, and improved constituent experience. For public administrators, these tools can also shorten the window between the enactment of a new law and its timely and successful implementation. Here’s how governments are addressing some major challenges using the AWS Cloud.