AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: nonprofits

Register now for the IMAGINE: Nonprofit conference in Washington, DC

Registration is now open for the IMAGINE: Nonprofit conference presented by AWS. On Tuesday, March 14 at the Capital Turnaround in Washington, DC, this no-cost, in-person event brings together the nonprofit community to learn and engage around how innovation in the cloud can drive positive change for people and the planet. With visionary leadership sessions, access to technical experts, networking opportunities, and more, the IMAGINE: Nonprofit conference provides an educational and collaborative experience focused on how to lead in a changing world, future-proof your organization, and scale impact.

Now available: New AWS program supporting nonprofit donor and member engagement

As one-time donations increasingly become the norm, nonprofit development teams are challenged to think outside-the-box to attract, retain, and communicate with their valuable supporters. Nonprofit organizations can use data to inform an enhanced engagement strategy, but many are challenged to unlock the full value of that data affordably and at scale. To help nonprofits use the cloud to build innovative fundraising and member engagement solutions, we are launching a new program – AWS TechAction.

How nonprofits reimagine work using smart technology

Nonprofit leaders today have various technical products and solutions to consider. The addition of “smart technology” to your nonprofit’s technology conversations may seem intimidating or even unfamiliar to the human-centered work that your organization does. But smart technology can help make your nonprofit’s work more human – automating burdensome tasks for your teams and directing their creativity and bandwidth to what really matters: your mission. Learn how nonprofits can use AWS to develop smart tech to innovate for their communities.

Data Lake for Nonprofits – powered by AWS and now available to help unleash data insights

Nonprofits are using the cloud for fundraising, donor and member management, and communications. With this move online, they have access to more data than ever. However, sharing, connecting, and interpreting data from many different sources can be a challenge. To address this challenge, today AWS and AWS Partner are announcing the general availability of Data Lake for Nonprofits – Powered by AWS.

How one nonprofit commemorates enduring sibling relationships with AWS

SibsForever is a nonprofit created to support and provide a safe community for people who have lived through the loss of a sibling. is a progressive web application that runs on AWS and functions as an online memory book for surviving siblings. By sharing their stories and experiences, the community has become a safe and supportive space for surviving siblings. In this guest post from SibsForever founder Audree Thurman, Audree describes why she decided to work with AWS to create her nonprofit’s web application, and how she built SibsForever in the cloud.

Unifying data to boost nonprofit fundraising outcomes

Data is currency, and today’s nonprofits have more data at their fingertips than ever before. From fundraising insights to beneficiary intelligence, to personalized communications, your nonprofit’s data can better support the activities that drive funding and resources toward your mission. AWS can help your nonprofit unify, interpret, and understand your data—regardless of your cloud experience. Learn about three key strategies that nonprofits use today that can turn valuable data into increased dollars toward your mission and decreased administrative burden for staff.

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation uses AWS to advance cutting-edge pediatric cancer research worldwide

In 2017, the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) founded the Childhood Cancer Data Lab (Data Lab) to address an important gap in the pediatric cancer field: vast amounts of accumulated data were not being put to use at scale. To address this gap, the Data Lab used AWS to build, an openly available collection of normalized bulk gene expression data, to make public datasets interoperable and reusable.

How one nonprofit uses AWS to amplify citizen advocacy across Africa

ONE is a global movement to end extreme poverty and preventable disease by 2030. Advocacy is about taking action in real time, so we need to reach people wherever they are. In Africa, that means using mobile devices. To help us reach audiences across Africa, we launched a mobile chatbot built on AWS.

What you missed at the AWS IMAGINE: Nonprofit conference

The IMAGINE: Nonprofit conference in Washington, DC brought together leaders, technologists, and mission-driven innovators in the nonprofit sector to learn, connect, and inspire. Over the course of the conference, attendees explored the ways technology helps nonprofits make a positive impact around the world. At the keynote, Dave Levy, vice president of US government, nonprofits, and healthcare at Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Allyson Fryhoff, managing director of nonprofits at AWS, highlighted how nonprofits are on the front lines of addressing some of society’s greatest needs, and how harnessing the power of data can be a force multiplier for change.

How nonprofits can automate tax-exempt status across AWS accounts

Many nonprofits and other tax-exempt organizations need to make sure their tax status is correct across their Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts. A new tax analyzer solution automatically detects the tax status of all AWS accounts across an organization. In this blog post, discover how this simple solution identifies which AWS accounts across an organization are paying sales tax, and learn how this solution can quickly remediate tax status by opening an AWS support case automatically.