AWS for Games Blog

Category: AWS Fargate

Operationalize generative AI applications on AWS: Part II – Architecture Deep Dive

In our previous blog, Operationalize generative AI applications on AWS: Part I, we covered the basics of how companies are using generative AI and Large Language Model Operations (LLMOps) on AWS. We discussed use cases for game companies using generative AI, ways to customize LLM, and a high-level architecture for the LLMOps solution on AWS. […]

Operationalize generative AI applications on AWS: Part I – Overview of LLMOps solution

With the rising popularity of generative artificial intelligence (AI), companies are exploring foundation models (FMs) and realizing the immediate benefit they provide to their business. FMs are large machine learning models that are pre-trained on vast amounts of data, which can perform many tasks such as text, code, and generate images. As more companies train […]

Managing your game studio on AWS part three

Game studios need scalable and efficient management processes to evolve their operations. In our previous posts, we discussed the importance of AWS Control Tower, resource tagging, cost allocation and more. In part 3, we discuss managing Infrastructure as Code and how your studio can use it to create your game’s infrastructure. We will walk through […]

Deploy Unreal Engines Pixel Streaming at scale on AWS

Unreal Engine, created by by Epic Games, is one of the most advanced tools for creating and rendering photo-realistic visuals and immersive experiences. This is needed to power the latest games and the Metaverse. Traditionally, such experiences required a thick client, a desktop computer for example, with a discrete GPU. Unreal Engine’s Pixel Streaming allows […]

New Solution Guidance for building scalable cross-platform game backends on AWS

New Solution Guidance for building scalable cross-platform game backends on AWS

Games are increasingly cross-platform and online, and game developers need to develop secure and scalable backend features to support these online elements of their games. Developers also want to allow players to play with their friends across platforms, and move gameplay between those platforms to provide a seamless player experience. Customers share with us that […]

User player the game on a tablet

Building Our Game on AWS – Lessons Learned by Leaftail Labs

Guest post authored by Eli Tayrien, CTO and Co-founder, Leaftail Labs. Leaftail Labs was formed in 2017 by a pair of game industry veterans who saw exciting possibilities in mobile AR gaming. Our first game, Nibblity, recently launched worldwide, and we are excited to continue to deliver more excited content for you and your Nibblins […]

In the “game,” two players connect to a session and move around with their characters in a world.

Game Server Hosting on AWS Fargate

AWS offers various options for hosting session-based games. Whether you’d like to leverage a managed service like Amazon GameLift, build your own solution using Amazon EC2, or use a container service such as Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) or Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), AWS provides secure, resizable capacity to operate your game with low […]