AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Amazon Aurora

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Concerts for Carers uses AWS Fargate and Amazon Aurora to deliver their ticketing and events platform at any scale"

Concerts for Carers uses AWS Fargate, Amazon Aurora to deliver ticketing and events platform at any scale

In April 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, while frontline workers were under immense pressure, three experienced live event professionals wanted to thank all of the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) workers and paid care workers. They combined their extensive experience and knowledge to launch the not-for-profit charity Concerts for Carers, whose mission is to promote the mental health and well-being of all NHS workers and paid caregivers and to provide them with free tickets to live events in the UK as an ongoing gesture of thanks. This post highlights how they’ve used Amazon Web Services to meet their mission.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Streamlining digital transformation in German healthcare with AWS"

Streamlining digital transformation in German healthcare with AWS

Healthcare organizations worldwide are leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS) and partner solutions to modernize, transform, and innovate their businesses. Ensuring the availability and security of critical applications is paramount. For example, two renowned German medical facilities, Fachklinikum Mainschleife and Max Grundig Klinik, needed to modernize their IT infrastructure to comply with stringent regulatory requirements outlined in the country’s Law for Accelerating the Digitalization of Healthcare (DigiG). Reliable and compliant service offerings from AWS enabled the medical facilities to provide reliable access to essential systems.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Disaster response and risk management using PNNL’s Aether framework on AWS"

Disaster response and risk management using PNNL’s Aether framework on AWS

The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) developed Aether as a reusable framework for sharing data and analytics with sponsors and stakeholders. Aether is a mature cloud-centered framework designed using Amazon Web Services (AWS) serverless services to provide a cost-effective and reliable environment for a dozen projects currently deployed with the framework. Read this post to learn more about how Aether’s serverless-first approach is enabling disaster response and risk management.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "University of Nebraska-Omaha’s ITD Lab migrates to Amazon Aurora with Babelfish, reducing database costs"

University of Nebraska-Omaha’s ITD Lab migrates to Amazon Aurora with Babelfish, reducing database costs

The IT for Development (ITD) Lab at the University of Nebraska at Omaha previously migrated their ETeams application to Amazon Web Services (AWS) because they did not want to manage the underlying infrastructure. With a limited staff, they could focus more on building new functionality in the ETeams application and less on performing mundane maintenance tasks. While the application was performing well, the ITD Lab’s director wanted to lower the monthly costs. This blog post explores an alternative to an SQL Server database that is just as performant but at a lower cost.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Build a personalized student companion powered by generative AI on Amazon Bedrock"

Build a personalized student companion powered by generative AI on Amazon Bedrock

The advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs) present a transformative opportunity to address long-standing educational challenges around creating more personalized learning. In this post, we explain how to implement a personalized, self-paced student companion that addresses the challenges of tailored learning support by harnessing the power of AI to create a personalized, adaptive learning companion that caters to the diverse needs and skillsets of learners.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Modern data strategy for government tax and labor systems"

Modern data strategy for government tax and labor systems

Introduction Government authorities such as tax, unemployment insurance, and other finance agencies across the US and globally are seeking ways to innovate. They are trying to unlock insights from their data, deliver better customer experiences, and improve operations using cutting-edge technologies such as generative artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and other data analytics tools. […]

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Guernsey County, Ohio, modernizes its emergency response with AWS"

Guernsey County, Ohio, modernizes its emergency response with AWS

Guernsey County in Ohio selected Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Carbyne to help transition its 911 call center from analog to a digital interface that is smartphone-friendly and allows operators to communicate with callers via live video. Read this blog post to learn more.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "The benefits of running controlled substance databases with AWS"

The benefits of running controlled substance databases with AWS

Healthcare authorities and providers use state-run controlled substance databases (CSDs) to track prescriptions and identify patients for substance abuse. CSDs help evaluate treatment options, screen patients who may be at risk for drug abuse problems, and make informed decisions about prescribing medication. This post explains how healthcare authorities can leverage CSD data to enhance their decision-making processes within business operations by using Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Alberta, CA

Alberta Motor Association transforms member experience and optimizes cost on AWS Cloud

The Alberta Motor Association (AMA) is a multi-service member-run organization that provides driving education, rewards, roadside assistance, travel, insurance, banking, and many other member-focused services. When AMA wanted to launch its community membership — their first true subscription-based membership — AMA decided to rethink its existing membership system

teacher in front of chalkboard lecturing students on laptop

Data is helping EdTechs shape the next generation of solutions

Forrester estimates that data-driven businesses are growing at an average of more than 30 percent annually. This is also happening at education technology companies. With new data sources have emerging, including real-time streaming data from virtual classrooms, mobile engagement, unique usage, and new learners, these data sources are shaping the next generation of EdTech products that engage learners meaningfully around the world. Learn how four AWS EdStart Members are utilizing data to power their solutions.