AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Amazon DynamoDB

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "Eutelsat increases service availability by migrating to AWS"

Eutelsat increases service availability by migrating to AWS

Eutelsat Group, the world’s first satellite operator to provide an integrated geosynchronous equatorial and low-Earth orbit (GEO-LEO) infrastructure, recently migrated their existing on-premises commercial Hadoop cluster to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Read this blog post to learn how Eutelsat reduced licensing costs by 50 percent, increased service availability to more than 99.8 percent, and decreased incidents after the migration.

Securing and automating compliance in the public sector with AWS

Compliance is essential, but ensuring compliance in the cloud with various regulations and standards can be challenging, especially for public sector organizations. The requirements are highly dynamic, constantly evolving, and they vary across countries. Read this blog post to learn about the Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources that can help customers meet compliance requirements, reduce their time and effort, and focus on core business objectives.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "Nebraska Judicial Branch modernizes its Electronic Exhibits System using AWS"

Nebraska Judicial Branch modernizes its Electronic Exhibits System using AWS

More than 180 courts compose the Nebraska Judicial Branch, which together handle more than 285,000 cases annually and all of the case exhibits that come with such a workload. This blog post highlights the Judicial Branch’s journey to building an electronic exhibits system on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Implement a secure, serverless GraphQL architecture in AWS GovCloud (US) to optimize API flexibility and efficiency

Implement a secure, serverless GraphQL architecture in AWS GovCloud (US) to optimize API flexibility and efficiency

GraphQL is a query language and server-side runtime system for application programming interfaces (APIs) that prioritizes giving clients exactly the information they request and no more. GraphQL can help public sector customers focus on their data and provide ways to explore the data in their APIs. Learn a reference architecture using serverless technologies that you can use to build GraphQL-enabled solutions in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions to unify data access in real-time and simplify operations.

How to store historical geospatial data in AWS for quick retrieval

How to store historical geospatial data in AWS for quick retrieval

Learn how to store historical geospatial data, such as weather data, on AWS using Amazon DynamoDB. This approach allows for virtually unlimited amounts of data storage combined with query performance fast enough to support an interactive UI. This approach can also filter by date or by location, and enables time- and cost- efficient querying.

How one nonprofit uses AWS to amplify citizen advocacy across Africa

ONE is a global movement to end extreme poverty and preventable disease by 2030. Advocacy is about taking action in real time, so we need to reach people wherever they are. In Africa, that means using mobile devices. To help us reach audiences across Africa, we launched a mobile chatbot built on AWS.

NHS Digital launches NHS login with AWS

NHS Digital launched NHS login, a serverless identity platform to facilitate access to a range of health and care apps for residents in England, with AWS, amongst other suppliers. Using the AWS Cloud, NHS Digital achieves scale, high availability, and security for citizens accessing these services, and helps users access NHS services quicker and more simply. NHS login is one of a number of services NHS Digital are hosting on the cloud as part of the UK government’s ‘Cloud First’ policy.

Canberra Parliament

Australian Bureau of Statistics runs 2021 Census on the AWS Cloud

Earlier this year, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) ran the Australian Census, the agency’s most significant workload, on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The Census is the most comprehensive snapshot of the country, and includes around 10 million households and over 25 million people. With the COVID-19 pandemic causing lockdowns across the country, ABS needed a digital option for the Census that was accessible and reliable for millions of people. They turned to the cloud.

Simplifying voter registration and building confidence with the cloud

National Voter Registration Day is a nonpartisan civic holiday in the US creating broad awareness of voter registration opportunities and celebrating democracy. The goal of National Voter Registration Day is to register one million new voters by 2022. To reach this goal, state and local governments and nonprofit civic organizations use digital platforms powered by AWS to modernize and simplify voter registration.

How the cloud can help educational institutions with grading, assessments, and admissions

During the COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions that operated on in-person model shifted many of their traditionally in-person operations and activities—including grading, assessments and testing, and admissions—to a virtual format, where many had never been before. Educational technology (EdTech) companies around the world used the cloud to help quickly create and scale to meet the needs of these academic institutions while maintaining a consistent and smooth student experience.