AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Amazon API Gateway

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SoftwareOne boosts developer efficiency and streamlines code reviews using Amazon Bedrock

SoftwareOne, an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Premier Tier Services Partner and a global provider of end-to-end software and cloud technology solutions, addresses code review challenges with its automated solution, SummarAIze, powered by the generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) capabilities of Amazon Bedrock. This post provides an overview of SoftwareOne’s approach to building SummarAIze and its impact on the software development process.

Singapore’s IHiS scales vaccine operations with AWS to meet evolving on-the-ground requirements

To support Singapore’s national vaccination program, the Integrated Health Information Systems (IHiS) needed the capability to scale its systems to sustain significantly higher loads at very short notice. In addition, its teams needed to be able to develop and implement new features at speed to address evolving vaccination policies and changing, on-the-ground requirements. The agency turned to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

How AWS uses AI to power interactive artwork at new Smithsonian exhibit

This fall, artist Suchi Reddy and Amazon Web Services (AWS), in collaboration with the Smithsonian FUTURES Exhibition, debuted me+you in Washington, DC, which embodies the collective answers to the question, “What do you want your future to look like?” me+you is an interactive work of art powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) and is the centerpiece of the Smithsonian FUTURES exhibition.

NHS Digital launches NHS login with AWS

NHS Digital launched NHS login, a serverless identity platform to facilitate access to a range of health and care apps for residents in England, with AWS, amongst other suppliers. Using the AWS Cloud, NHS Digital achieves scale, high availability, and security for citizens accessing these services, and helps users access NHS services quicker and more simply. NHS login is one of a number of services NHS Digital are hosting on the cloud as part of the UK government’s ‘Cloud First’ policy.

Serverless GPS monitoring system screengrab

Creating a serverless GPS monitoring and alerting solution

To help solve a few challenges I faced with my family, including the need to track the location of a child, I needed a serverless global positioning system (GPS) monitoring solution. Commercial geographic monitoring GPS solutions are not cost-effective because of the cost of digital map licenses from third parties and running servers around the clock. Existing GPS systems work with proprietary GPS devices that lock-in the users’ vendors’ devices. My solution? Build my own serverless GPS monitoring and alerting solution.