AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Government

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Singapore’s National Library Board aims to unlock country’s rich heritage with AR app built by AWS Partner NCS"

Singapore’s National Library Board aims to unlock country’s rich heritage with AR app built by AWS Partner NCS

The vision of Singapore’s National Library Board goes beyond making information accessible; the NLB is focused on bringing the richness of the nation’s cultural heritage right to the palm of your hand. As part of its LAB25 (Libraries and Archives Blueprint 2025) Singapore Storytellers initiative, the NLB seeks to nurture a stronger appreciation and understanding of the Singapore experience. To support this, Amazon Web Services (AWS) collaborated with Singapore-based NCS, a leading technology services firm, to create an interactive augmented reality (AR) web application prototype on the AWS Cloud.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Use Amazon SageMaker to perform data analytics in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions"

Use Amazon SageMaker to perform data analytics in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed machine learning (ML) service that provides various capabilities, including Jupyter Notebook instances. While RStudio, a popular integrated development environment (IDE) for R, is available as a managed service in Amazon Web Services (AWS) commercial Regions, it’s currently not offered in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. Read this post, however, to learn how you can use SageMaker notebook instances with the R kernel to perform data analytics tasks in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Open government procurement drives innovation using the cloud"

Open government procurement drives innovation using the cloud

It should be simple to build digital platforms that offer people reliable, clear ways to access government services such as healthcare, business registration, and welfare payments. Cloud technology makes it possible for every service to be simple, reliable, scalable, adaptable, and secure. Public sector agencies need to be able to access the cloud, and they do so through public procurement processes. Procurement’s role in supporting modern, digital services for governments is the subject of a report from the Open Data Institute (ODI) and Open Contracting Partnership (OCP).

Breaking barriers and leveraging generative AI to advance the US Federal Government: Insights from AWS executive Yvette Cesario

The US Federal Government has endless opportunity to lead the way as well as adopt best practices for how the latest technologies, including generative artificial intelligence (AI), can be leveraged to fulfill its various missions. Yvette Cesario, director of national security sales at Amazon Web Services (AWS) Worldwide Public Sector (WWPS), was the guest on the seventh episode of the AWS Behind the Cloud vodcast and shared her insights about how generative AI has endless opportunities for the US Federal Government to leverage to transform its operations and missions.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "ICF helps FDA accelerate the drug labeling review process with AWS machine learning"

ICF helps FDA accelerate the drug labeling review process with AWS machine learning

Within the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, the Division of Medication Error Prevention and Analysis (DMEPA) plays a critical role. DMEPA reviews premarket and postmarket drug labeling to minimize the risk of medication errors. In partnership with DMEPA, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner ICF is developing a machine learning (ML) prototype known as the Computerized Labeling Assessment Tool (CLAT). The prototype employs innovative applications of optical character recognition (OCR) technology and the novel use of computer vision techniques that will alleviate bottlenecks in and enhance the efficiency of the drug labeling review process.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Strengthening public safety collaboration with AWS Wickr and the Android Team Awareness Kit"

Strengthening public safety collaboration with AWS Wickr and the Android Team Awareness Kit

For public safety agencies, secure collaboration and situational awareness are essential to preparedness and response. First responders need secure, uninterrupted communication to help them get oriented quickly and support complex coordination efforts. This post highlights how Amazon Web Services (AWS) secure communication service AWS Wickr integrates with the Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK) to enhance the efficiency of emergency response with a user-friendly, map-based solution that expands the common operating picture and strengthens cross-team collaboration.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Automate cybersecurity analysis with MBSE workflows enabled by AWS"

Automate cybersecurity analysis with MBSE workflows enabled by AWS

Digital engineering fundamentally relies on integrating data across model structures by using a digital thread – an underlying framework for integrating data from across traditionally siloed functions that create a consolidated view of the system’s data throughout its lifecycle. The cloud is integral to digital engineering by supporting collaboration across geographically dispersed organizations, automating workflows for data connectivity and trade space analysis in a reliable, scalable, and cost-effective manner. This post describes how Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT) has used digital engineering in combination with secure and scalable AWS services, to deliver secure IT systems to a large defense program.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Resiliency imperatives for CIOs with sensitive and highly-available cloud environments in AWS GovCloud (US)"

Resiliency imperatives for CIOs with sensitive and highly-available cloud environments in AWS GovCloud (US)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers, technology leaders, and government agency CIOs continually balance risk and reward to accomplish many things by using AWS GovCloud (US). They work to transform citizen experiences, save taxpayers money, support sustainable growth, expand market presence, modernize legacy systems, increase security, drive efficiencies, strengthen brand equity, and reduce environmental impact.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "NHS England scales review of critical services using AWS Well-Architected Framework"

NHS England scales review of critical services using AWS Well-Architected Framework

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Well-Architected Framework is designed to help build resilient, secure, and efficient solutions. Understanding this framework can greatly benefit AWS customers looking to enhance and refine their cloud environments. This post shares insights into how NHS England, responsible for running the vital national IT systems which support health and social care, revolutionized their approach to the AWS Well-Architected Framework review process.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Improving government contact center agent experience with Amazon Connect"

Improving government contact center agent experience with Amazon Connect

Peraton, an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Premier Partner, has worked with multiple government agencies to improve both customer and agent experiences using Amazon Connect. This post explores how Amazon Connect, the cloud contact center solution from AWS, delivers relevant information to agents through a unified experience to help government organizations and agencies of all sizes improve interaction with customers and employees.