AWS Public Sector Blog


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Germany’s International University of Applied Sciences automates creation of educational videos using generative AI, serverless on AWS

The International University of Applied Sciences (IU) maintains 90 percent of its course content online. Through its online programs, IU aims to give people worldwide access to highly individualized education, enabling them to further enrich their lives. The large majority of IU’s infrastructure runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Read this post to learn why IU worked directly with AWS experts through the Experience-Based Acceleration (EBA) program to expand their automated video generation pipelines to be more scalable, modular, and robust.

EC2 instances image

Upgrade to the newest Amazon EC2 M5 and R5 instances and save

Your workloads have different characteristics and may have evolved over time, making it challenging to support them with high-performing, scalable and low-cost computing. That’s why we’ve added new Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances that come with the latest processor technology, to help you optimize your workloads even more and save.