AWS Public Sector Blog


AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "European Health Data Space will enable health innovation through secure data sharing"

European Health Data Space will enable health innovation through secure data sharing

The European Health Data Space (EHDS) will establish a common framework and infrastructure for the use of health data for research, innovation, policy-making, and regulatory activities in the European Union (EU). It will also create common standards and practices enabling EU citizens to better access, control, and share their electronic personal health data. Read this post to learn why Amazon Web Services (AWS) welcomes the EHDS as an important step towards unleashing the vast potential of health data to benefit citizens across Europe and beyond.

Securing and automating compliance in the public sector with AWS

Compliance is essential, but ensuring compliance in the cloud with various regulations and standards can be challenging, especially for public sector organizations. The requirements are highly dynamic, constantly evolving, and they vary across countries. Read this blog post to learn about the Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources that can help customers meet compliance requirements, reduce their time and effort, and focus on core business objectives.

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Supporting customers in the context of DiGAV compliance

A growing number of healthcare providers, payers, and IT professionals are using AWS’s secure, flexible, and scalable utility-based cloud services to process and store data including personal data. AWS provides a number of industry-leading tools to support customers address local regulatory and legislative requirements, including the German Digital Supply Act (DVG) and associated Digital Health Applications Ordinance (DiGAV), as they move healthcare workloads to the cloud.

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Announcing AWS ClearStart for Swedish public sector to accelerate security and regulatory compliance

To help our public sector customers in Sweden accelerate their journey to the cloud, we are launching the AWS ClearStart program. AWS ClearStart helps organizations meet security and regulatory needs through a set of guides, trainings, technology tools, and cloud computing experts to simplify the process of complying with Swedish and EU regulations, including the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (OSL) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as with international information security standards, such as ISO/IEC27001.